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Friday, January 04, 2013

January Currently

January Currently

I am linking up with Farley's Currently for the first time!  I love reading about what all of you have been doing and have decided to get in on the fun.  That being said I really do need to get grading the historical fiction book reports the girls turned in on December 7 and the animal power points they completed right before break.  Wish me luck! 

I guess that is why I chose the word perspective as my OLW.  Will it really matter if all the power points or the hisorical fiction books reports are graded before Monday?  Not really, but I will do my best.


  1. Wouldn't it be great if vacation DID last longer! We both love teaching, but sometimes a fast forward to a REALLY long break (like summer break:) would be amazing! We just found you through Farley's Currently!
    Katie & Lisen
    We'd love it if you stopped by sometime!!
    Second Grade Smartypants

  2. I am with you on the grading! I go back to school on Monday, and I have a stack of 127 essays that need to be graded prior to then. I prefer to blog and read other's blogs than grade them right now. Hey, it's still vacation, right! Great "Currently."


  3. Hi Julie! I found your blog through the currently and I'm your newest follower! I'm trying to enjoy the last few days of my break too! Unfortunately, I left my grading for the end too! :( Good luck with yours!
    Beach Lovin' Teach
