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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Skyping with Richard Paul Evans

A4b Loves Richard Paul Evans!

On March 6, 2013 the ladies of Academy 4b were fortunate enough to be able to Skype with the amazing author of the Michael Vey series, Richard Paul Evans.  Who is Michael Vey you ask?  

To everyone at Meridian High School, Michael Vey seems like an ordinary 14-year-old–he likes waffles and video games, hates homework and gets bullied at school. But Michael is anything but ordinary. He was born with special electrical powers.  - Taken from the website

If you haven't read the first two books in this seven book series you need get started before book three comes out in September 2013.  

Mr. Evans was so gracious.  What we thought would be barely 10 minute experience turned out to last 35 minutes.  The only reason the girls didn't ask any more questions is that they were already late to their next class.  

It was so much fun talking to an author of a book you love.  Not only did Mr. Evans answer the many, many questions the girls had, but he even shared some information about his third book in the series that is due to be released in September.  At one point he told the girls they now knew more than his publisher.  The girls thought that was awesome and cheered loudly.

I can't say enough about what a wonderful experience my students and I had.  One student said, "It was so nice to talk to a famous person that actually listened to us and cared what we had to say." I completely agree. 

A screenshot of Richard Paul Evans 

The ladies of A4b 

Please visit Richard Paul Evan's facebook page or his website to learn more about all of his books.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

World Read Aloud Day

March 6 was World Read Aloud Day.  This is the second year my students and I have participated in this great event.  We took the entire day off from regular classes and were read to.  This year I had 12 "secret readers" volunteer to come into the classroom and read aloud one of their favorite books.  Each secret reader explained to my 4th grade girls their connection with the the book or poem they were about to read.  Some readers brought their favorite book when in fourth grade.  Some readers brought a book by their favorite author.  We even had a few fables read so there was some learning involved.  The girls absolutely loved it.  To end the day the fourth grade girls read their favorite picture book aloud to their first grade buddies.  It was a fun filled day for all, especially the "secret readers" aka parents.

Reading an excerpt from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

Reading an excpert from A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Reading Smile! by Leigh Hodgkinson

Reading her favorite poem by Shel Silverstein

Click here to learn more about World Read Aloud Day and suggestions for ways to participate next year.